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A massive podcast episode that covers everything from the basic NHS pension check all doctors need to make to inheritance tax, investing, spending less than you earn.

From understanding your payslip, claiming tax rebates worth thousands, repaying student loans and investing for your future. Its all  packed into they bumper episode.

The basic pension knowledge all doctors need. What’s the difference between the 1995, 2008 and 2015 scheme? Can you invest your NHS Pension? What checks does your NHS Pension need?

Unless you want to earn every penny of your wealth working at the coalface until you reach retirement, you need an alternative income and investing could be it. 

We talk about stocks v bonds v cash v property. The importance of matching your risk to your portfolio and how diversification can mitigate risk.

We talk about the importance of minimising costs of investing and show you a new way of building a low cost portfolio yourself using low cost advice.

This free ebook gives you a firm foundation in the essential money management skills medicine didn’t teach us. Read it here…