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What medical school didn’t teach us about money

“What medical school didn’t teach us about money” was released in June 2020 and was downloaded by 4,500 doctors in the…

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Why two doctors started Medics’ Money

Who are Medics’ Money? Medics’ Money is a doctor led organisation that empowers doctors to make better financial decisions. Over…

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Cremation Form Taxation for doctors

Received a few cheques from completing cremation forms (ash cash) and not sure what to do regarding tax? Wondering if…

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Accountants for doctors – how do I find a good medical accountant?

Medics’ Money is the best place for doctors to find an accountant recommended and reviewed by other doctors. How does…

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Mortgages for doctors – 8 tips for locum doctors, self employed doctors, GP and other medical professionals.

Mortgages for doctors. Sometimes it’s tricky to get a mortgage for doctors, especially if you are a locum doctor or…

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Independent financial advisers (IFA) for doctors

Independent financial advisers for doctors (IFA) – how do I find a good IFA? Choosing an Independent Financial Adviser that…

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Is your doctor’s tax code correct?

Understanding your doctor’s tax code Your tax code is calculated by HM Revenue and Customs or “HMRC” and is used…

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Best income protection for doctors

What is income protection for doctors and surgeons? Who needs it? Why should you update your existing policy using an Independent…

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What can doctors claim tax back on?

Junior doctors can claim tax back on GMC, BMA, MDU, MPS, Royal college and examination expenses amongst other professional expenses, reducing…

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Do I need a specialist medical accountant

Do I need a specialist medical accountant? by Dr Ed Cantelo GP Trainee, Chartered Accountant Chartered Tax Advisor As doctors,…

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