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Ep 62 Early retirement strategies for doctors

We are getting loads of questions from you about how to retire early, and not just from older doctors. Perhaps this reflects how difficult working in the NHS is right now.

Financial Independence Retire Early or FIRE  is something we’ve  talked about on the podcast Ep 7 and also on our blog and you may know that I’m a big fan of trying to reach Financial Independence FI.

But one thing I don’t see discussed much is how the NHS Pension can help you to retire early. So on todays podcast we discuss everything from when cna you retire from the NHS, how can you top up your pension including a discussion about using erbos. We also talk about private pensions and ISAs and we also talk about my own early retirement strategy, which is pretty simple.

As ever this podcast is for information only and does not represent financial advice. The value of investments can rise and fall and you may get back less than you invested.

If you like this podcast don’t forget to rate review and subscribe and as we continue on our mission to empower doctors to make better financial decisions.

Listen to Toms Podcast here


Contact Tom Skinner here


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What medical school didn’t teach us about money

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