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Limited company for GP Locum doctors and Consultants.

Self-employment V’s Limited Company for doctors

Many doctors forums are abuzz with ways to save tax and here at Medics’ Money one of the common questions we get asked from self-employed Consultants GPs and Locums is

“Should I start a limited company to pay less tax”

Our advice? Everyones situation is different and you should consult a qualified specialist medical accountant. David Elliot, Tax director from specialist medical accountants BW Medical Ltd gives you a few things to consider.

Do you need the income to live on?

Definitely self-employed Possibly Limited Company


Do you want to pension the income?

Definitely self-employed Possibly Limited Company


Do you have an offset mortgage?

Definitely self-employed Possibly Limited Company


Do you want to keep your financial affairs confidential?

Definitely self-employed Possibly Limited Company


What medical school didn’t teach us about money

“What medical school didn’t teach us about money” will give doctors a step by step plan to transforming your financial future. Enter your details to download your copy now

The above questions are not an exhaustive, but they do highlight the need to take specialist advice before any decision is made and the examination of personal circumstances and requirements cannot be overstated. Every individual’s circumstances are different in terms of where they are on their career path, what their financial requirements are plus what plans they are making for retirement.

Your accountant will certainly benefit from additional fees if you decide to set-up a limited company but will the additional accountancy costs and potential loss of future pension negate the tax savings?!

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By doctors for doctors

Seek qualified specialist advice from a specialist medical accountant so you can make an informed financial decision.

You can book an initial free consultation with BW Medical through Medics Money here.

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What medical school didn’t teach us about money

“What medical school didn’t teach us about money” will give doctors a step by step plan to transforming your financial future. Enter your details to download your copy now

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